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Tornedalsteatern / Tornionlaakson Teatteri 

Performed 29 June - 4 July 2015

director & writer

Winner of Tornedalsteatern Tornionlaakson Teatteri's playwriting competition for female writers 2014. 

Satu-jävla-helvetes-maa explores collective trauma, identity and the darker aspects of Swedish history through a surreal journey in to the past and present life of a Finnish immigrant family.

Design: Sanne Kangas

Cast: Samir Alsalhani, Allan Fjällblad, Thomas Mäkikaltio, Annika Niskala, Gun Olofsson, Mirja Palo,  Agneta Rantatalo, Marcus Suikki, Petri Tuominen (professional & non-professional actors)


"To describe her as a promise does not suffice - with Charissa Tornedalsteatern (and other theatre institutions) have a diamond in the rough who will no doubt grow in her art." -  Haparandabladet, 30 June 2015. 

"Charissa Martinkauppi has written a play that breaks new ground, [it is]well-timed 70 years after the end of the war and in the context of all old and new minorities.

With all the possibilities of the theatre she exposes new aspects of the Swedish-Finnish mess, and boldly handles the darkest themes but makes them manegable through humour, music, and forgiveness. " - NSD, 28 June 2015.

Photo: Göran Gavelin
Satu-jävla-helvetes-maa: Project
Satu-jävla-helvetes-maa: Gallery
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